Following is the prayer letter we received from Adam. Please spend some time to read it and pray for the needs of Dayspring Childrens’ Home.
Dear beloved brothers & sisters,
Greetings to you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for your supports. Thanks for your love and hard works to bless these many people in India . Thank you for your kind prayers.
I am sorry to let you know that we have an epidemic in our state. Many people in our state are suffering with viral fevers, some with swine flu, etc. This year we had no good rains so far, but now we have very heavy rains and several rivers are flooding. There is a cyclone in the ocean and due to this reason we will have more rain fall. Many villages are in waters. Thousands of thatched huts are being washed away by the waters. Many people became helpless and migrating to safer places. So due to all these reasons the diseases would be more and spread so fast. Please pray.
So far 40 children are infected with viral fever in our children home. Almost all of our family members are stricken with this problem. By God’s grace, we are ok.. I’m taking care of each child and doing my best to take care the kids. There is no room in any of our local hospitals for admission. But I bring the doctors to our children home and they are doing good service to the children. Please kindly pray. Much money is being spent on medical bills and the doctors’ bill. Please kindly pray.
As you know, the accommodation is very congested for all the children. If we can put the roof for the girls’ dormitory, there will have a lot of place and the children would have better and spacious rooms to sleep and stay. We are all praying God to provide the fund for this need.
Thank you for asking about then estimated cost for the school roof. If it is RCC roof it costs Rs. 1,110,000. If it is cement sheets with wood or iron frames it costs Rs. 900,000/- according to the Engineer here.
We are all praying for you with grateful hearts.
Extraction by Christina from Adam’s email.