
img102 We need your continuous support for our humanitarian work in India! 

Friends of India offers a number of sponsorship schemes as follows.

Sponsorship Amount

  Co-Worker Child Widow Student
1 month HK$ 2,000 HK$ 270 HK$ 140 HK$ 50
3 months HK$ 6,000 HK$ 810 HK$ 420 HK$ 150
6 months HK$ 12,000 HK$ 1,620 HK$ 840 HK$ 300
1 year HK$ 24,000 HK$ 3,240 HK$ 1,680 HK$ 600

If you cannot afford to sponsor a co-worker, child or widow on your own, you can talk to your cell group or fellowship and see if they are also interested. Besides you can always contact us.

Sponsorship Method

Step 1 Choose the sponsorship method at your convenience: 

a. Monthly Auto-Pay
Download and Complete the Direct Debit Form (PDA format)

b. Crossed Cheque Payable to “Friends of India”

c. Transfer into Our Account

Transfer into account of Friends of India at
004-004-815429-001, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Step 2 Download and complete the Sponsorship Form (PDA format).
Step 3 According to the method you choose above, send us the completed Sponsorship Form with the Direct Debit Form, Crossed Cheque or Transfer Record for our further action. 

Our Address:
PO Box 253, Sha Tin Post Office, N.T. H.K.

Do You Know?

  • FOI believes that every dollar raised should go directly to the needy and we strive to keep administrative and labour cost to the minimum
  • Sponsorship receipts are issued to our sponsors twice every year – in May and October
  • However, we would gladly issue an immediate receipt upon sponsor’s request
  • FOI is a registered charitable institution in Hong Kong. All donation is exempt from tax under Section 88 of Inland Revenue Ordinance


Other Support

We do appreciate your support, financially or otherwise.
If you wish to help in any other aspects (such as publication, being a volunteer, etc.)
please contact the committee by email.