We just received following updated message from Adam of Dayspring Children’s Home, please spend some time to read and keep for praying the needs of Dayspring.
Also, we would like to remind you that the deadline for 2010 Mission Trip application will be on 15 Jan 2010.
Dear beloved brothers & sisters,
Thank you so much for your generous support for the Christmas expenses. It is an exciting celebration as nearly 4000 people attended. They all had Christmas banquet at Dayspring Children¡¦s Home campus. Many of them are the poorest of the poorer. Also some lepers, beggars, blind, handicapped and many unfortunate people in the society attended and worshipped the Lord of lords and king of kings. Some famous doctors also attended and worshipped Jesus. A few of them though they are not Christians, they said that this festival is the best festival they even seen. These doctors have appreciated the services to the poorest children and widows by Dayspring & the loving Sponsors.
The children wore new dresses and are very happy. The widows are also very happy with their new Sarees (Indian Traditional Cloth) as well as the Teachers and other staff members. Some poor women and other begging people are also presented new Sarees. The children gave dance programs and other Christmas skits.
The children of Vizag children home also came here for the Christmas celebration along with our family children. They also danced and made the people so happy.
We have translated the Christmas message sent by Rev. Scott Smith and we all are blessed. Some new souls have accepted Jesus Christ and they asked me to for Baptism.
Thank you very much for your special help for the medical expenses of T.Vijay Kiran who is suffering with lung disease. He is recovering slowly and still on treatment by lung specialist doctor. He is studying well in college and thanking you.
The weather here is cool. So many are with cold and cough due to heavy fog. We are taking special care of each child in all matters. Please pray for all of us at this time of cool weather. The prices of the rice, vegetables and other things here are increasing very much. You can see in news papers and observe on TV channels. The government is unable to control the increasing prices. It is hard time to buy the stuff. Please pray.
I would like to thank you again and again for all your love and great work that you are doing for the development of the Lord ministry here in India.
Yours in Christ,
Extraction by Christina from Adam’s email.